Limited Time Offer

A Serious Offer For Those
Serious About Speaking

Jumpstart Your Public Speaking

Try It – You’ll Like It!

Grab Your 14 Day Jumpstart Your Public Speaking Trial Membership Offer Today


Imagine hearing the MC introduce you to a screaming audience who can’t wait for you to take the stage and share your value-packed message that will impact their lives for decades to come. Imagine collecting that check for your time on stage as your share your genius and leave your mark on the world. Imagine it’s all possible because you took action as a serious entrepreneur. You said “YES, NOW” when it would have been easier to say “maybe someday”. You joined the ranks of those who took action.

Jumpstart Your Public Speaking Trial Membership Offer includes the most essential training and coaching components necessary to kick your signature story or signature message into action

You’ve got to have a polished Signature Story and Signature Speech.

  • What’s a “Hook”?
  • What story elements are necessary, and which ones are optional?
  • Why you need a kick-ass Call-To-Action

Where do you begin to put all of the pieces together?


Jumpstart Your Public Speaking
Trial Membership Offer

specially designed to give you a running start at developing your signature story and signature message, INCLUDING access to two world-class RockStar speaking coaches to answer your personal questions about your unique signature message 

Let’s be honest. We’re not going to turn you into Tony Robbins or Oprah Winfrey in 2 weeks. We are, however, going to give you a jumpstart towards the actions you can take to begin making REAL PROGRESS towards your goals, dreams, and objectives of crafting your signature story and message. 


Jumpstart Your Public Speaking
Trial Membership Offer

Focus on:
• Developing your signature story
• Develop your signature message
• Coaching feedback

While you don’t have to attend every session to gain extraordinary value from this jumpstart program, you’ll have access to:

• (2) Open Mic Public Speakers Club events over the next two Monday evenings at 6 PM Pacific time. You’ll get a guaranteed opportunity to speak (virtually) from 1 to 7 minutes on any topic you desire. We suggest it be a segment of your signature story or speech. You’ll get positive feedback from others in attendance, as well as a link to a recording of your presentation for review. This is the method that professional speakers use to develop their signature stories and messages before speaking on paid stages. $50 Value

• (2) Open Mic International Public Speakers Club events over the next two Wednesday mornings at 9 AM Pacific Time. You’ll get a guaranteed opportunity to speak (virtually) from 1 to 7 minutes on any topic you desire. We suggest it be a segment of your signature story or speech. You’ll get positive feedback from others in attendance, as well as a link to a recording of your presentation for review. This is the method that professional speakers use to develop their signature stories and messages before speaking on paid stages.

$50 Value

(4) Open Mic Speakers Lab events over the following two Tuesday afternoons at 10 AM Pacific time AND two Thursdays at 4 PM Pacific time. You’ll get a guaranteed opportunity to speak (virtually) from 1 to 7 minutes on any topic you desire. We suggest it be a segment of your signature story or speech. You’ll get positive feedback from others in attendance, as well as a link to a recording of your presentation for review. This is the method that professional speakers use to develop their signature stories and messages before speaking on paid stages. $50 Value

• Guaranteed admission to the next (4) RockStar Office Hours Speaker Coaching sessions (held on Tuesdays at 4 PM Pacific and Thursdays at 3 PM Pacific – you may attend all four if you’d like) where you have access to one, and possibly BOTH RockStar Speaker Coaches, who will address any question or concern you have about your signature story, message or speaker business issue. There will be other RockStar coaching clients in the room at the same time who may be ahead of you in line, in which case you may benefit from listening in to their questions and coaching, and they may benefit from listening in on your questions and coaching. It’s an “open office coaching session” for one hour. First in, first out. All conversations are confidential among those in the office during that session. This is a top-rated event and one of the highest value coaching programs perceived by our clients. $200 Value

The value of the 14 Day Jumpstart Your Public Speaking
Trial Membership Offer is easily $400+

If you are serious about developing your speaking skills and committed to taking action, we’re willing to give you the jumpstart you need to get the momentum started in the right direction for the “Can’t Turn That Down” price of $17.

That’s right. $17. But only if you take action today. We’re only interested in working with decision-makers and action takers. If you’re a dabbler, a wanderer, or a someday-er, we’ll help you find the number of a local Toastmasters club. They’re a great group to occupy your time while you’re deciding if you want to take your speaking seriously. When you’re ready to take your speaking seriously, come on back, and see us. We’ll be here, but the $17 won’t be. That’s only available one time. And that time is now.

Total Value $400+

Grab Your 14 Day Jumpstart Your Public Speaking

Trial Membership Offer Today

There’s no “But Wait – There’s More” offers. This is it. Just a killer offer to invite you to jump in and take action to start making progress towards your goal of making your signature speaking business a reality. $17. You’ve probably got more than that in loose change between the sofa cushions.

Try it out for 14 days.

If you like the speaking opportunities and coaching calls, your trial membership will convert into a Speakers Enrichment Academy annual membership billed at $97/mo. (You may choose a month-to-month membership plan at $147/mo if you prefer.)

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Join the Trial Membership Offer. Attend as many of the events as you’d like. If, after the 14 day trial period, you’re not 100% thrilled with your Jumpstart Your Public Speaking Trial Membership, drop us an email, and we’ll refund 100% of your trial offer charges (must have attended at least one event).

If you’d prefer not to automatically extend your trial offer into an annual Speaker enrichment Academy membership (which includes the same weekly programming), send us an email within three days of the conclusion of your trial offer, and we won’t charge you further.

If you’d prefer to convert to the month-to-month membership plan, please advise us via email within three days of the conclusion of your trial offer.

Grab Your 14 Day Jumpstart Your

Public Speaking Trial Membership Offer

The offer is good until the timer on the top of the page hits zero. It’s $17. What have you got to lose? Grab your 14 Day Jumpstart Your Public Speaking Trial Membership Offer now, and we’ll see you on the inside!

You have three choices:

1) You can do nothing and ignore your dreams and desires to develop your signature message to impact the world

2) You can keep dreaming and showing up to the Not-for-Profit speaking club, delivering a new speech once every 6 to 8 weeks, getting peer feedback that may or may not provide you with the route to improvement that you seek, wasting precious time

3) You can make a $17 investment in yourself to learn first-hand how the Speakers Enrichment Academy can put you on the fast track to speaking confidence and success

You’re just one click away from creating the satisfaction, confidence, and impact your message can make on the world. The future depends on what you do today.

The distance between your dreams and reality is called action. Take that action now and

The distance between your dreams and reality is called action. Take that action now and

We’ll see you on the Next Stage!

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    2021 March Jumpstart Offer
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