by Al Jensen | Jan 9, 2023 | Speaker Training
Think of your favorite brands. They all stand out for one reason or another. For example, Apple is known for its sleek product designs and cutting-edge technology. Coca-Cola is branded as a fun, enjoyable beverage. Just like businesses can become known for their...
by Al Jensen | Dec 19, 2022 | Speaker Training
When you’ve been a guest on someone’s podcast, you may think all you have to do is to show up on time and give a great interview. But that’s only part of your responsibility – you also need to spend time promoting your podcast appearance once it’s live. You can’t...
by Al Jensen | Dec 12, 2022 | Speaker Training
Email marketing is a privilege online marketers have that many offline businesses don’t enjoy. Whenever someone visits your site, you have the opportunity to offer them a free gift in exchange for their contact information so that you can communicate with them in the...
by Al Jensen | Aug 31, 2022 | Speaker Training
One of the first things that we need to work on when it comes to public speaking is to figure out the right way to get the message across. While there will be some variations in how you do this based on the audience and the topic that you need to discuss, there are...
by Al Jensen | Aug 31, 2022 | Speaker Training
One of the first things that we need to work on when it comes to public speaking is to figure out the right way to get the message across. While there will be some variations in how you do this based on the audience and the topic that you need to discuss, there are...
by Al Jensen | Aug 29, 2022 | Speaker Training
Busy work is a thief that steals your productivity without your knowledge. You get to the end of your day and you haven’t made any real progress on your goals. Maybe you re-organized your desk or updated your blog. But you haven’t done anything to will truly help you...