Have you thought of different ways you can feel at ease speaking in public? Do you wish you knew how to display confidence in any situation? If so, you need to look no further. Follow this advice to become the great speaker you long to be.

 When making a speech, always face the audience. Don’t let yourself get distracted by things occurring around the room. If you are distracted, your audience will also be.

 Learn your audience. If it’s possible to know, learn about some of the specific people that will be there. Greet them at the door and ask their names. Getting familiarized with some of the audience can make the event feel friendlier.

 Familiarize yourself with the venue where you will speak. If you aren’t using a microphone, make sure you find out how far and how well your voice will carry. Practice using the equipment before the event. Learn the proper use of visual aids that you are incorporating. Find out what eye contact range you should have.

 The most effective way to refine the message of a speech is to practice it. Try recording yourself giving the address. Listen back to the tape to identify any areas of weakness. You can also include friends and family in the audience.

 Rehearse your speech daily. You will know every nuance of the speech if you do this, which will help make you more confident. However, don’t become so overconfident that you go onstage without notes. That way, if you forget what you are to say, you can glance down at your notes and refresh your memory.

 Practice your speech until you have the most important details memorized. Practice it while looking into a mirror and try using different hand gestures or facial expressions that help make your points. Also, consider asking a close friend or family member for a bit of feedback. Good preparation ensures that you will make the best presentation possible.

 To help your speech significantly impact your audience members, do what you can to make the ending memorable. The ending sticks in people’s minds more than any other part of your speech. Ending with something boring is not going to keep your speech on their mind for too long.

 No matter how anxious or mixed-up you may get during a speech, never make an apology. You may think you are making a fool of yourself, and your audience may not even be able to see it. If you made an error, quickly fix it and keep going forward without apologizing.

 Strong, confident voices are essential when it comes to addressing large groups. Try to have water available during your speech. Don’t drink any dairy drinks or soda when giving your speech. These fluids can produce mucous or thicken saliva. Hot tea may be just the trick to get your voice in shape before speaking.

 After reading these tips, you are more aware of how simple it is to be good at public speaking. Utilize the advice you just reviewed. The more you practice, the higher your confidence will be. Remember to push through the fear because you are more than capable of giving a great speech!

If you would like personal assistance to elevate your speaking, storytelling, and presentation skills, please reach out to me, Al Jensen, at Al@NextStageCommunications.com. I specialize in transforming mere mortals into confident-speaking Super Stars.

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